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Get Ready, in 2023 Electronic Land Book Starts to be Implemented

Get Ready, in 2023 Electronic Land Book Starts to be Implemented

Author: Muhdany Yusuf Laksono

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The Ministry of ATR/BPN has a plan to transform land services from conventional to digital-based.

The Head of the Center for Land Data and Information, Spatial Planning, LP2B (Pusdatin), I Ketut Gede Ary Sucaya explained, the digital transformation roadmap of the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

"First, we at Pusdatin will strengthen the digital literacy of implementers to be more aware. Then increase the complexity of services, to realize an electronic land book," he said, quoted from the Ministry of ATR/BPN website, Wednesday (03/08/2022).

Then in 2023, less paper is planned. Thus, the land book is already electronic-based with an electronic signature as well.

"Then, in 2024 if possible we will be paperless. And in 2025 we will have implemented blockchain, smart contracts, full monetization and finally we are in a digital society," said Ketut Ary Sucaya.

Secretary General of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Himawan Arief Soegoto said his party had started the transformation. One of them is digitizing land documents and certificates.

The benefits of digitalization have been directly felt by the Ministry of ATR/BPN with the high number of transactions that occur.

"The process of services or transactions from Mortgages alone this semester has reached more than Rp 460 trillion," said Himawan Arief Soegoto.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Determination of Rights and Land Registration, Suyus Windayana, said that currently around 50 percent of land services are carried out digitally.

With this amount alone, it has had a positive impact on the Ministry of ATR/BPN's Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

"I hope that next year 80 percent of services can be done electronically. That way we will not encounter problems like before," concluded Suyus.


News Get Ready, in 2023 Electronic Land Book Starts to be Implemented