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Shophouse and Shophouse Owners Can Now Get Ownership Certificates

Shophouse and Shophouse Owners Can Now Get Ownership Certificates

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - There is good news for shophouse (ruko) and home office (rukan) owners in Indonesia. If previously the ownership status of shophouses and shophouses was Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB), now it can be upgraded to a Certificate of Ownership (SHM). This was conveyed by the Director for Regulation and Determination of Land Rights of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Husaini in the Socialization of Strategic Programs and Policies in the Sector of Determination of Land Rights and Registration at Grand Mercure Ancol, Jakarta, Monday (27/03/2023). According to him, this has been regulated in the derivative Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) Number 2 concerning Job Creation in 2022, namely Ministerial Regulation Number 18 of 2021.

So the shop houses and office houses can also be given ownership rights because we have to pay attention to the community. But please also look at the functionality, if you win productively, please give them their rights," said Husaini. For your information, a shophouse is a property that has 2 or 3 floors and is usually used as a place of business. Meanwhile, a shophouse is intended for office space. Shophouses and shophouses are not only it can be used for personal purposes, but can also be rented out to other people.As quoted from the Kompas.com archive, Tuesday (28/12/2022), shop houses and shop houses are different things from vertical housing such as apartments.

These two types of properties are integrated housing and landed houses. Therefore, the status of land ownership is owned by one person. One of the characteristics of shophouses and shophouses is their location which is located on the edge of the main road and close to various public facilities. Also read: See, This is the Difference between Shophouses, Shophouses and SOHOs The use of shophouses and shophouses is more flexible when compared to apartments. The first floor of a shop or shophouse can be used as a place of business, shop or rented office space. While the next floor as residential.


News Shophouse and Shophouse Owners Can Now Get Ownership Certificates