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Developers are increasingly attracting attention to the West Jakarta area, what are the prospects?

Developers are increasingly attracting attention to the West Jakarta area, what are the prospects?

Jakarta - Property development in West Jakarta, namely Tangerang, has become one of the barometers of the property industry in Jabodetabek. More and more developers are looking at the western area of Jakarta to expand their business networks.
Property observer Anton Sitorus said that this was normal because the western area of Jakarta, especially Tangerang, had promising potential for both the residential and investment property sectors.

"The products developed in West Jakarta are diverse, apart from that it has good and well-organized infrastructure. So this area in West Jakarta has become a promising new territory," stressed Anton Sitorus in his statement, written on Sunday (18/11/2023).

Apart from that, one of the factors for property development in West Jakarta is the township development concept which is developed in a planned manner by developers. Anton explained, with careful planning and a strong concept, a township project will have pride and prestige that is comfortable for residence and also as a business area.

"Like Alam Sutera, which was developed since the early 1990s, it has now become a property product brand that is popular with consumers. It is popular because the infrastructure is developing and the facilities continue to increase," explained Anton.

In its development, a township development becomes an area that functions as a live, learn, work, play area that is active 24 hours a day. So that it becomes a one stop solutions area with a touch of modern concept that will provide a feeling of security and comfort.

Apart from that, the current development of a township development, according to Anton, is always based on sustainability and healthy living. "This approach has always been a reference for property products developed with a township concept and it has been proven that property products that prioritize this element are always in demand by the public," stressed Anton.

Meanwhile, Alvin Andronicus, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Elevee Condominium, stated that another factor that is also determining why Alam Sutera becomes an area of interest to consumers and trendsetters is the city management factor that provides a sense of security and comfort.

"We (Alam Sutera) have been building this 800 hectare area for almost 30 years. And the product continues to develop, starting from the cluster-style landed house concept and we are the pioneers of this concept. And currently we are developing superblock products, such as Elevee Condominium which is not only a concept "It's just a vertical residence but equipped with various facilities for the residents' needs, but also a 4 hectare forest park," he explained.

News Developers are increasingly attracting attention to the West Jakarta area, what are the prospects?