Secondary House Prices in Medan are More Expensive than Jakarta
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - It is said that young people are increasingly finding it difficult to own a house, so it is not surprising that many decide to choose a used house over a new house. The changes in the price of used houses are largely influenced by the amount of demand and supply of properties available in the market. Based on data from, entering the beginning of the second semester of 2022, it was recorded that the price of used houses in Indonesia rose slightly by 0.6% compared to the previous month. On the supply side, there was a growth of 2.4% month-on-month.
However, if the annual housing supply trend is seen in comparison to years, it shows a significant increase of up to 22.3%.
In July 2022, the highest annual used house price increase was recorded not from the Greater Jakarta area or other areas on the island of Java, but in Medan. Price growth of 11.2% puts Medan as the city with the fastest price increase on a yearly basis.
The CEO of 99 Group Indonesia, Wasudewan, said the skyrocketing residential supply growth occurred for various types of properties, including secondary houses.
"Along with the recovery in demand for the property market in the country, of course we also need to maintain supply can grow at the same rate, so that consumer needs can be met. database and in-depth research strength from our team," explained Wasudewan in an official statement, Saturday (23/7/2022).
For comparison of the trend of used house prices seen between months, Surakarta occupies the first position nationally with an increase of 2.1%.
A positive trend was also seen in the Greater Jakarta area, with Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Bogor, and Bekasi experiencing price increases of 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.3%, 1.7%, and 1.0% respectively. consecutively this month.
For other big cities on the island of Java, on a month-on-month basis, house prices in Bandung, Surabaya, and Semarang grew 0.8%, 0.2% and 0.4% respectively, while house prices in Yogyakarta fell by 1.3%.
Switching to big cities outside Java, namely Denpasar and Makassar, prices decreased by 5.1%, and 1.8% in June 2022 compared to May 2022.