Advanced! This Developer Uses AI to Track Damaged Roads
Jakarta - The development of technology can certainly help various aspects of life, one of which is the property sector. Who would have thought that the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could also be used for the property sector, one of which is road repairs. This was done by property developer Sinar Mas Land. CTO of Sinar Mas Land, Mulyawan Gani, said that his party uses generative AI technology to find out which roads are everywhere, especially in the BSD City area that need improvement.
"What's more interesting is the use of AI genes to see road cracks. So if we build a road and have finished asphalting it, like it or not, there will definitely be cracks, potholes and all kinds of things," he said at the Sinar Mas Land 'Tech Media Workshop' event. at Green Office Park 9, BSD, South Tangerang, Thursday (16/11/2023).
According to Gani, sometimes local people or residents forget to complain about the road. Even if you have reported it, determining the exact position of the damaged road is quite difficult.
Well, one of the innovations carried out by Sinar Mas Land is to install cameras on shuttle buses in BSD City. With the help of AI, images recorded on the bus camera can be translated into text.
"So this is an example of our inspector's patrol car having a camera installed and this camera will live stream along their route and technologically they will eventually detect using AI the positions of all kinds of potholes, cracks in the road, it is recorded," said Gani.
However, he did not deny that there were still several obstacles in using this technology. One of them is related to sunlight which can cause shadows on the road.
"So AI needs to be trained. If we buy AI goods, it's not like we download apps. People think 'oh AI is ready to use, download it straight away and use it like Chat GPT', that's true, but for corporate purposes like us ", where we have data security problems, we want data privacy, this becomes complex where the AI must be 'stitched', one of which is by training the AI to be smarter," he explained.
Gani said that his party uses AI not to gain revenue or income, but for the satisfaction of consumers and residents of BSD City. This also includes improving the company's internal performance.
"With this technology, you can imagine its use far and wide. I can repair roads more quickly, I can evaluate contractor performance better and I can make complaints or input around road users," he explained.
Not only that, his party also uses AI to see congestion points in BSD City through an application. In this way, residents and visitors can avoid traffic jams.
"In the future, we also want to explore to detect the difference between dry leaves and plastic waste," he said.
This is intended to make it easier for worker partners who clean the streets around BSD City.
Meanwhile, Gani revealed that in the third quarter of 2024 his party will create a place or database for BSD City residents. The hope is that residents and developers or coders in BSD City can use the data released by Sinar Mas Land to create applications that are useful for local residents, for example how to detect emergencies or view train schedules with shuttle buses.
"You can imagine where we will provide some public data such as the BSD Link (shuttle bus) schedule where we expect fellow students, residences or maybe school children 'if I combine BSD Link data and train data, for example "How do you calculate the headway? For example, if you want to go to Jakarta, you can go to the application which was not made by Sinar Mas Land but was made by the residence which took the information from us," he said.
Gani also revealed that developing AI technology is quite large. Because, what is being developed is not only the system but all the components in it.
"When we talk about AI investment, it means there are all kinds of sensors, for example like our smart building. The 'smart' thing, to make the building 'smart' in just one building is around IDR 25-40 billion. That figure is probably more than 10% of the building myself," he said.
"If our commitment is to make the city smart, perhaps the figure is around IDR 300-400 billion per year because this is a large investment. Because what is needed is not just the 'brain', the engine. If the engine happens to be a partnership with Microsoft, it will become an engine- "We are helped, but the question is how can this 'brain' absorb the information? That means it needs IoT, sensors, dashboards, well that's what makes the investment seem big," he concluded.