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5 Factors Causing House Prices to Fall, Important to Note!

5 Factors Causing House Prices to Fall, Important to Note!

Jakarta - When planning to sell a house, we want the house we are selling to sell quickly at a price that meets expectations. Of course, everyone wants the house to be sold at a high price.
However, you need to pay attention, there are things that can make the selling price of a house go down. Anything?

The following are factors that cause house selling prices to fall.

1. The physical structure of the house is damaged
The first thing that causes house prices to fall is the damaged physical structure of the house. Buying a damaged building will make potential buyers think twice because they have to do renovations too.

"House prices are going down, you can see whether it is still suitable for use or whether there is something that needs to be renovated, for example the kitchen or dining room, for example if it needs major renovation, the selling value will go down," said Country Director of Ray White Indonesia, Johann Boyke Nurtanio to detikcom, Thursday (9/11/2023)

So, to avoid falling house prices, home owners can carry out renovations first to increase house prices.

2. See Who Occupied the House Previously
The next step is to see who has occupied the house you want to sell. It turns out that the previous owner of the house can also influence the selling price of the house.

"We can see whether the house has been occupied by anyone before, for example someone who has a negative connotation, such as a house that was a site of corruption or someone who died there. That could make the selling price (of the house) much lower," he said.

3. Difficult access to the house
Lastly is home access. Houses that have difficult access, for example far from the market, far from schools, or far from hospitals, can cause the selling price of the house to fall.

"Access is whether it is difficult to get everywhere or not. That also determines whether the value can be high or not. If we have difficulty accessing public transportation or whatever, then the selling value could be low," he concluded.

4. Red Flag Locations
Location is the most important factor for a property, especially a house. So it is clear that location is one of the determinants of house prices. Well, house prices can go down if the location is in bad places, aka red flags. For example, some red flag places for homes include: close to cemeteries, close to power lines, close to train tracks, near rubbish dumps and other locations that have a high risk.

5. Flooded Area
Houses in flood areas are also not the main choice when people look for a house. So that houses in flood areas can reduce prices.

News 5 Factors Causing House Prices to Fall, Important to Note!